Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Barakah Year 1433 / 2012

The role of niat, having full faith in Allah SWT, believing that only HE can give us strength and the holistic approach to ibadah has been a big tazkeerah for me up until this day. May Allah let me, my family and friends see through this years with his full blessing and achieving the objective, to be a more taqwa person. Amin.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Once upon a time in Hijau - Part 2

Fresh Start Safety Day 2012”.

Last  Hijau Updates meeting for the Year 2011

our thank you, small celebration  for Operation Team (Shift A),

our thank you, small celebration”  especially for  the Operation Team (Shift D), PTA & HSSE
Thank you for your support for Hijau Pipe Bridge Installation

an Anti Bribery and Anti Corruption Presentation by Shell

Boleh Award  - Goh Hai San

Friday, January 6, 2012